Swedish Massage, which is a light to medium pressure massage using multiple techniques to increase blood flow and sooth and relax the body in a gentle way. This is a good maintenance or beginner massage.

Deep Tissue Massage, a medium to heavy pressure massage using advanced techniques to eradicate stubborn knots and tense muscles throughout the body. Demanding physical job? Chronic pain? Just prefer heavy pressure? This is likely the massage for you.

Organic Massage, this oil helps to reduce inflammation and soothes muscles. This makes it very effective at providing relief from painful joints and muscles. People who suffer from chronic pain, arthritis, back pain, and so much more can reap the many benefits of this particular type of oil massage.

Signature, This is a custom aromatherapy massage built to each patients preference and needs. Our blends are made for many different reasons, anxiety, allergies, pain, total relaxation, focus, migraines, and even mood balancing.

Silent Massage Experience, This massage is great for people who suffer from social anxiety, a high stress job, caregivers, parents or anyone who just feels the need for a little more silence.

Breast Massage, We have five different breast massage specialists at Mermaid Cove. Breast massage is a unique type of massage that takes focus and care for every patient. Pain comes in all sizes and genders with chest massage and we are here to help. If you have clogged ducts, need a better milk supply, recovering from breast cancer, are an athlete or just suffer from "lightning" pain we have got you covered.

Celyna Easley


Corri Gaskill


Jennifer Malin


Jessica Davidson


Jessica Turner


Sheridan Ealey