Why Should You Get A Massage?

There are many reasons why people opt to get a massage. If you're an athlete, we are trained to get you across the finish line and build you back up again afterward. If you're fighting through chronic pain or illness, we will work with you to find ways to get your body functioning to the best of its ability.

It's amazing what your body can do with proper guidance, and our mission helps get you wherever it is you need to go, whether it's the delivery room or the top of a mountain.

Mermaid Cove has a dedicated staff of massage therapists.

We are built to dive head first into any challenge.

We are trained to work with the whole body from bodywork to movement and nutrition. We have a strong belief that wellness comes from a complete picture. We are here to dive deeper and find what really makes our patients move and feel better. 

Celyna Easley

Celyna Easley


Cupping Therapy, Doula, Gua Sha, Massage Main Services, Medical Massage, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage

Kaiser, Triest, L&I, PIP

Celyna has a passion for healing, and a soft spot for prenatal care and taking care of the Mom’s in our community. She is a dedicated Mom of two with a unique artistic flow to her craft as a massage therapist. Her humor and wit is unmatched at Mermaid Cove as well as her skills as a gua sha specialist.

Corri Gaskill

Corri Gaskill


Cupping Therapy, Intraoral Massage, Massage Main Services, Medical Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage

Kaiser, Aetna, Triest, Cigna, L&I, PIP

Corri is a deep tissue specialist, with an uncanny knack for pinpointing trouble spots and eliminating them. She is just as effective when it comes to treatment plans and injuries. She graduated at the top of her class from the Cortiva Institute of Massage and is a true PNW fan. When not in the office she can be found exploring the great outdoors with her family in search of wild mushrooms.

Jennifer Malin

Jennifer Malin

Owner, LMT, Doula

Doula, Massage Main Services, Medical Massage, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage

A massage therapist with 10 years of experience, Jen was once a patient with an uncertain outcome after a serious auto accident. Having traveled that path and triumphed, she is motivated to share similar results with her patients. She specializes in pregnancy, autoimmune, and chronic pain and is currently adding nutrition and movement coaching to her arsenal.

Jessica Davidson

Jessica Davidson

Massage Main Services, Medical Massage, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage
Jessica Turner

Jessica Turner


Cupping Therapy, Massage Main Services, Medical Massage, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Massage
Sheridan Ealey

Sheridan Ealey

Massage Main Services, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage

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